Details: Parent Category: ROOT Category: GROUPS | Published: 07 July 2016 | Last Updated: 06 September 2022 | Created: 06 September 2022 | Hits: 1991




The architects of the chaos


In 1807, a book entitled 'Essay on the Principle of Population' by Thomas Robert Malthus (1766- 1834), a celebrated British economist and social philosopher is published. His thesis was based on the assumption that population growth would expire in geometric progression, while food production was increasing only in an arithmetic progression. This leads in the foreseeable future to the fact that the food quantity would no longer be enough to feed everyone. The logical conclusion, the population must not grow to the same extent.

His ideas in a summary:

His claims:

As next in the alliance can be called Charles Darwin (1809-1882), he writes in his autobiography:

In October, 1838 … I read to my entertainment "Malthus on population". …, besides, came to me all of a sudden the thought that under such circumstances favorable variations keep and unfavorable variations will destroy itself. … Finally, here I had found a useful working hypothesis. “

Later in a letter to professor William Graham, professor of the jurisprudence in Belfast, he writes:

If one throws a look at the world in one not very much distant future which endless number of the low races will have been removed on the whole earth by the higher civilized “

His theory in a summary:

Only the best, strongest and most adaptable survive. The " natural selection “ is a physical law. This counts to animals like for people.

His claims:

It is not right to build shelters for meaning weak, cripple and sick, to adopt poor laws or carry out vaccinations.

The next time comrade in this context is Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (German philosopher, 1844-1900)

The essence of his philosophy can be reduced to the following theses:

Friedrich Nietzsche Volume III page 428:


The Christianity, from Jewish root and only understandably as a plant of this ground, shows the reaction against every morality of breeding, of the race, the privileged – it is the anti-aryan religion par escellence: the Christianity, the revaluation of all aryan values. ... the Gospel of the poor, the low, the whole uprising of all trodden down, wretch, failed, bad-got away against the 'race' ... “


Another candidate is Joseph Arthur Comte de Gobineau (1816-1892), a French diplomat and writer.

He authored four volumes under the title 'Essay on the Inequality of Human Races' in which he denies the equivalence of the various human races. He glorifies the 'exceptional or superman' and provides arguments for racial fanaticism and the alleged superiority of the Aryan race.

Aryans: (Meyers Lexicon says this in Volume 1 of 1925) A linguistic (not anthropological or racial) term by which the parts of the Indo-European or Indo-European languages are summarized that have immigrated to Iran and India. These immigrants called themselves Arna, meaning <edel, noble> in contrast to the dark natives, the Dasnu. .…

Housten Stewart Chamberlain (1855-1927) proclaimed the superiority of the 'Aryan race' in 'The basics of 19. century' and interpreted the history as a story of racial fights. Only the strong breed survived in his opinion and the racial foreign infiltration was particularly damaging.

A citation moreover:

Light talent, often also the peculiar beauty which the French call ‚un charme troublantis‘, is what bastards often adopt; nowadays one can observe these daily in towns, like Vienna, where different people meet; at the same time, however, one can also perceive a peculiar instability, the low opposition strength, the lack of character, briefly, the moral degeneration of such people. “

This ideological system of thought haa been continued constantly by other representatives as George Vacher de Lapouge, Madison Grant, Ludwig Gumplowicz, Otto Ammon, Lanz von Liebenfels, Karl Lueger and Georg Ritter von Schönerer.

We are dealing with a relatively small group of antisocial aligned 'intellectuals' who continually fomented an atmosphere of intolerance, hatred and war fever with half-truths and false information.

So it was a no surprise, as during the outbreak of the first world war it could come to the 'August experience '(see Meyers Lexicon Volume 25 Keyword WW1).

In all major powers immediately involved in the war there were noisy street demonstrations for the war, most in Germany, where the 'August experience' was yet glorified long.”

The first world war of 1914-18, was a war of attrition which cost the lives of 9.2 million people. This war brought to fall the central monarchies in Europe.


This was preceded by an assassination in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914, in which the Austrian-Hungarian throne Franz Ferdinand and his wife had been murdered. The attempt was carried out by youngsters of the proserbian, Bosnian youth organization Mlada Bosna (Young Bosnia). Gavrilo Princips was the driving force behind this action and was the executor of the murder of Franz Ferdinand and his wife. Princip stood in connection with Milan Ciganović, a Serbian secret service worker who lived in the same house. Ciganović in turn stood in conjunction with major Vojin P. Tankosić, whom Princip already knew of his unsuccessful attempts to participate as a volunteer in the Balkan wars. What principle did not know was that Ciganović and Tankosić were leading members of the 'Black Hand'. The Black Hand (Crna ruka, late Ujedinjenje ili Smrt - „ union or death “) was a sworn homogenous secret Lodge of Serbian officers to whom also some Croatians and Muslim Bosnian belonged. Ciganović gave the military inexperienced youngsters in Belgrade Topčider Park shooting lessons and handed over to them on the 27th May, 1914 four guns with ammunition and six bombs from Serbian army supplies. The origin of the weapons could be never cleared completely because many Serbian militia members owned such weapons. In addition, they were given cyanide vial, to kill themselves after the attack, and some money for travel expenses. Rumours circulated in Vienna, that Freemasonry would be behind the attack.

In an ultimatum from the 23rd July, 1914 the Austrian-Hungarian government insists on initiating a judicial investigation against the participants of the plot from the 28th June in Vienna. The Serbian government rejected an investigation by the K. and K. Government and ultimately the Austrian-Hungarian Government declared war on Serbia. This rapid escalation was favored by the enthusiasm for war, which initially prevailed in the intellectual layers of many countries, due to the idea of a war could “resolve” the national and social conflicts, as well as the contradicting power interests of the various dynasties. A fallacy, which in the result of the historiography had to be substituted by “ destroy dynasties “.

Of course, these two factors, an assassination and the 'intellectual war propaganda' are not the only effective means of oppression, there were also certain measures at political level required and we can find a description of this in Meyers Lexicon from 1925 Volume 12 among World War (history):


Most contributed to the outbreak of World War II, the system of secret diplomacy in which made the overall political situation opaque and prevented rapid detection of misunderstandings and an open discussion of responsible statesmen. “


So the government was not idle and lifted with the beginning of World War I on August 4, 1914, the legal note convertibility of the Reichsbank (national bank) in metallic money or gold. Nobody could demand any more from the banks, that it must be paid in metallic money the value of their paper money. In addition, the state possibilities for the debt admission and the increase of the money supply were expanded with the token coins and bank notes by the abolition of the golden anchor (legal third cover of the Reichsnotenbank < national issue bank > by gold). The plan was secretly created actually already before the war and held by the so-called 'national enthusiasm', to finance the acquisition of money by war bonds, since the onslaught and the supply of huge armies required very large amounts of money. This measure, combined with the subsequent destruction of the war paved the way for subsequent inflation and laid in this way firmly who will have to pay the bill – its citizens.

The company Bayer was founded in Barmen in 1863, extended in 1897 to its original color production to a pharmaceutical department and synthesized the first psychotropic drug, heroin. As the turnover from 1913 to 1919 sank around a third Bayer enlarged his range of products and became the main supplier of poison gas (chlorine gas) for the war effort at the front.

With relatively few resources at various levels, a war could be triggered, which killed more than 9 million people, plunged an entire nation in distress and poverty and at the same time brought the central monarchies in Europe to fall.

But this was not enough, wild resolute psychiatrists were required, because there were problems at the front. The disposition of the psychiatric professional group to this problem expresses Dr. Johannes Bresler in the psychiatric-neuro-logical weekly unambiguously:


The world war was holy to us and will remain to us holy till all eternity. It was and is our just cause "


Everyone who loved peace, psychiatrists judged at that time, was abnormal! Swiftly one created a new concept: that of the war neurotic. To solve the question of war neurotics was the true test of the Psychiatry in the first world war, as the 'escape reactions' by soldiers became more frequent and in all units occurred wine spasms, trembling all over the body or limbs, vomiting and other 'war hysterical' symptoms. Whole companies were struck " epidemically ". This so-called war neurosis from which all battalions 'ravaged', were significant problems to the military leadership. In the population and psychiatry the war neuroses were also called “ war quaverer ” (combat stress reaction), because the trembling was the first most commonly observed symptom. In addition to war neurosis concepts were also used like „ traumatic neurosis “, " fright neurosis ", " garnet shock " and " war hysteria ". A remedy was urgent and different procedures were tested. Quick and inexpensive was the Kaufmann-Therapy, in its development occurred some deaths, but the method was fast, cheap and practical. The starting point of the Kaufmann-Therapy was the thesis, that the 'war neurosis' is a biologically based disorder - not an emotional shock experience, but results from a biochemical malfunction. Who suffered from a mental disturbance as a result of the war, was diagnosed without further ado a " constitutional, psychopathic inferiority “ so to say in the German way:

He was hereditary too weak to endure the beauty of war ”


The inventor, surgeon of the nerve station of the reserve hospital Ludwigshafen, Fritz Kaufmann, summed up the procedure developed by him:


From the everyday experience we know that the innervation (transduction through nerves) caused by a misaligning psychological shock are very often due to a renewed mental shock returned again right. We are now able for the sick... . such a shock with a powerful electric current and at the same time with the aid of appropriate word suggestions in command form to be used for healing. Our approach is composed of four components:

1. Suggestive preparation,

2. application powerful alternating currents with the aid of copious word suggestion,

3. stern abide of the military forms (…) and giving the suggestion in imperative

4. unwaveringly consistent enforcement of healing in one session. “


This way was the Kaufmann thesis: A shock is treated best with a shock. 'War neurotics' were nothing more than 'malingerers' and 'psychopathic personalities', which should be literally 'helped to jump-start' and thus helped back to the front in the eyes of the psychiatrist.

The psychiatry had succeeded in creating a "therapy" which pseudo-academically promised "healing" – but in reality nothing else was than disciplining. An achievement helping to extend the war over 4 years and and maximize the destruction.

The German Empire (Deutsche Reich) lost the war, so had to pay reparations. At first it was fixed in the Versailler contract that Germany should pay 20 billion golden marks till April, 1921, repeated demands of the allies of 269 billion golden marks were followed by this. Germany tried at first to oppose these unrealistic demands and then reacted, as expected, with the printing of additional paper money - with a galloping inflation in response. By the "Ruhrkampf" (Strike on account of the occupation of the Ruhr area by the allies) the inflation escalated to a hyperinflation.


Overview about the decline of the value of the German currency, a table:


Respective tenfold value of the dollar since the outbreak of war

1 Goldmark, paper mark (nominal)


Dollar exchange rate in Mark



July 1914


n. w.


January 1920


5 1/2 years


3. July 1922


2 1/2 years


21. October 1922


108 days


31. January 1923


101 days


24. July 1923


174 days


8. August 1923


13 days


7. September 1923


30 days


3. October 1923


26 days

11. October 1923,00

8 days

22. October 1923,00

11 days

3. November 1923


11 days

20. November 1923,00

16 days


The hyperinflation caused a collapse of the German economy. Unemployment increased, wages fell into a bottomless pit. With the acceptance of the inflationary currency depreciation could be pushed away the economic and social loads of the lost war on the mass of the dependent employees and the pure owners of financial assets – the man in the street. A substantial part of the middle class - used to make their lives without help from the state, even enemies of the welfare state - found himself in poverty again. Their financial reserves melted away in the inflation up to miserable rests.

Herewith nearly "ideal" conditions on certain foreign investors were created, cheap and willing manpower and a destroyed currency which was removed at first by a weak currency. Following the pattern of American cartels, it was the time to bless the key country Germany with this concept. The elementary concept of cartels contain the brilliant idea with which unrivaled monopolies can be created. Most people don't know that behind the I.G. Farben stood a huge economic power, namely: the American Wall Street. The history of the I.G. Farben began in 1924, as the American Banker Charles Dawes (Dawes Plan) provided a sum of foreign loans of totally $ 800 million, to incorporate such giant companies in the chemical and steel industries to cartels, one of them should be the I.G. Farben. Many companies could be taken over cheap, in view of the bad economic situation, under these also the before mentioned company Bayer (the supplier of chlorine gas in WW1) to establish a decisive monopoly for the next war.

A few years later, a similar principle to create 'favorable investment conditions', was applied to America, but not by the means of classical warfare, but by a shock caused by the FED financial war on Wall Street - the world economic crisis. One tells that John D. Rockefeller decided shortly before the crash to liquidate his whole stocks, thus he was one of the few big winners.

As a result of the Great Depression a "paradigm change" took place in economics. The classical economic theory counting up to now was removed to a great extent from the Keynesianism and his different variations. The Keynesianism demanded stronger state interventions, put the inquiry in the foreground and led in the other course of the world economy, to the fact that nearly every land on this earth could be done into a high state indebtedness. Thus the foundation-stone was laid ideologically for the today's crises.

Published in his 1963 masterpiece, 'A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960' described Milton Friedman (Nobel Laureate in economics 1976) the big consequences of the money supply change on economic cycles and thus denied the Keynesian explanation of the Great Depression. This is according to Friedman not caused by the instability of the private sector, but on the money supply reduction of the Federal reserve of system. Specifically, the common people in America were deprived of their assets. The Great Depression fell out in different, not only monetary regard in favor of the wire-pullers of this crisis.

Let's get back to one aspect of our original question. How was a disaster of this magnitude possible?

Let us first consider the quantity on the basis of the figures. We have an increase in the number of victims by 9 million from the first world war to more than 109 million during the second world war. Now the 2nd World War could be maintained 2 years longer than the WW1. But purely mechanistically considered this enlarged destruction can be explained by more advanced weapon technologies (by vehicles, tanks, ships, submarines, rockets etc.) which came in the 2nd World war into broader application. As we are on Planet Earth all these technologies depend on combustion and for that we need ammunition and above all fuel.

But the German Reich had no own oil deposits. That was one of the main reasons for its defeat in WW1. From the perspective of the architects of World War 2, the German Reich was as a war party at a disadvantage. This required a solution, so that the war in the event of an oil boycott would find not an abrupt end.

The process of extracting oil from coal was discovered in 1909 by a German scientist. Germany had large reserves of coal, but this method was not yet fully developed during the 1st World War. In August 1927, the Standard Oil participated in a joint program for research and development of the hydrogenation process to refine the oil, which the German Reich required for its next war. For this purpose, the industry associations of the I.G. Farben was previously established. The I.G. Farben received further support from the United States, as in 1928, the German branch of Henry Ford merged with those of I.G. Farben. On 09 November 1929, the Standard Oil and I.G. Farben signed finally a cartel arrangement which regulated and fixed the rights of use, with which two purposes were pursued:


First of all, the cartel agreement granted the Standard Oil half of all rights to the hydrogenation process in all countries of the world, except Germany.

Secondly, agreed the two companies, ... never to compete in the field of chemical and petrochemical industry up to today. When the Standard Oil in the future would go in the chemical or pharmaceutical field, then only as partners of the I.G. Farben. The I.G. Farben explained in turn to enter only with the Standard Oil into the oil business. “


By the end of the 2n World War this arrangement became very important, because at this time Germany produced 75% of his oil itself.

There is also evidence that there were more financial resources from the United States for Germans security of energy supply.

Thus American ambassador for Germany, William Dodd, wrote in 1936 in his diary:

The Standard Oil of New York has invested 10 million DM (German Reichsmark) to find oil wells and to build a big refinery in Hamburg harbor. “


Of particular importance was the fact that all equipment necessary for the hydrogenation process were not to be bombed by the Allies. Thus it does not surprise that 25 to 30 refineries were still in good condition at the end of the 2nd World War and its total damage amounted at most to 15%.

During the 44. Session of the Corona Hearing the Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav was heard by the German attorney Reiner Füllmich. This Interview can be found on my Telegram Chanel or as for alternative download.