• Life on a planet,

  • that offers a stable livelihood,

  • with an enchanting nature

  • and a lot of freedoms,

  • with broad horizons -

  • for determined -

  • and dreamers -

  • on which all are welcome!

Copyright 2025 - Rainer Ottenweller



Combustion vs survival conditions



Although all Chaos Media explained, in the meantime, the global green agenda, to their mayor subject of concern, energy for motion, heat and electrical purposes are in our present civilization still generated predominantly by explosive combustion processes and heat. To state that the fossil or atomic waste products hereby have no influence on biological systems, seems unrealistic and illogical to me. But the mainstream steers the attention regarding this topic on the aspect of the climate, not on the aspect of the danger for the peoples health conditions, because the attention on the aspect of the health for the individual would not support the following points of the real agenda:


1) the reduction of the assumed "overpopulation",


2) to declare a false "mono-causal” cause (viruses as the only cause) for all illnesses connected with oxygen starvation, to veil the true causes.


3) To raise penalty fees for citizens and to overthrow them more deeply in poverty and with it, in a bigger dependence.


In addition, the shot could go off backward, as in the case of the diesel scandal. Hence, one continues with the same „ guilt of the person “ PR rail, as in the well grooved in subject of the “highly contagious pathogen”.



The dangerous person:


a) as a host and carrier of a dangerously contagious virus,


b) as living unit striving for movement and joy, which “ruins earth”,


c) as an individual with own dangerous ideas,


d) and with living emotions he dares to express, which could even be directed against his masters.


This must be prevented, by measures such as


a) keeping them apart, by distancing isolation and wearing masks. Excessive hygiene rules and strange welcoming rituals, demonstrating reduced trust and fear of from others. The sum of these measures is not directed towards a better health condition, but towards blind obedience and distrust and fear of others.


b) a CO₂ tax, more nicely formulated as a footprint tax, as a further financial burden for the people to bring them to moderation.


c and d) by consequent ignorance and censoring.


To sum it up and in one sentence, one could say: „The fact that a person exists and is communicating is his biggest crime“, in the eyes of the initiators of this agenda and this must be prevented absolutely from their point of view.


I am speaking here of the initiators, not of their PR-Representatives, which we call politicians or media bosses of our chaos media. Their function in this play consists merely in helping to sell us their plans, while keeping us calm and obedient.


If one moves himself into the mental condition of these initiators and looks from their point of view at our world, one can even understand this view. To expect, however, that real causes are found by them and actual solutions are aimed, would be lenient and illusory.


A real solution for the environment consist of helping the people to reach a higher reason, but the opposite is reached by her measures. Real attempts in this direction are getting demonized by them and made ridiculous by their antisocial supporters.


But lets return rather again on our original subject of this article.


Waste products such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and soot particles emerge from the various combustion sources. In very populated urban areas these materials in the air already complicate the respiration of the people. We remember that the most awful cases of Covid-19 were in conurbations, with the highest air pollution on this planet (Wuhan, North Italy New York and with us in North Rhine-Westphalia). If these materials are further spread into the air, a pollutant screen forms in the atmosphere which influences the natural heat exchange of earth. There is a reduction of direct sunlight, so to say not as many sun rays arrive directly on the ground, as before without this screen. On the other hand, those rays which still arrive and are reflected by earth are being held by this pollutant screen in the atmosphere. Thus it comes on the one hand to a cooling and on the other hand to a warming. These screens from pollutant aggregations and the reinforced temperature contrasts resulting from it, have in local areas influence on the weather, the temperatures and the health condition of the people.


In the following video interview with Harald Kautz-Vella you can find out, which pollutant shields we are still struggling with. Additional own researches are possible on Windy.com.



A temporary measure that can reduce these effects, until more ecologically friendly energy production methods are in use, could be achieved with biological means. Microbes, for example aerobic spores, could be found, which are able to metabolize with the pollutants and ideally emit oxygen as a waste product. If one proposes such microbes in the higher atmosphere, this would reduce the pollutant screen and lead back, in addition, the engaged oxygen in our atmosphere.


The effect of enlarged temperature contrasts would be diminished and the aerial quality would improve, as a side effect for humans and animals.


Assuming after the application of such microbes still strange weather phenomena appear, as it is currently the case with tornadoes and standing thunderstorms in Germany, one would have to investigate for other human influences.


There are various documentaries about the retreat of the glaciers in the Alps and the decline of the ice caps on the Poles, which can be made on global warming. The documentary "Chasing ICE" provides interesting image evidence for this development. There is disagreement among the scientists about the causes of this phenomenon.



As an additional factor for global warming, there would of course also be the heat generated on the earth itself, since this thermal radiation would also remain bound to the planet longer by such a pollutant screen. In this way, increasing industrialization over the past two centuries, with its fixation on methods of generating energy through heat and combustion, may well have contributed to global warming. If a person were to light many fireplaces in his house and the thermal insulation of the house reduces heat exchange with the surroundings, he cannot expect his house to get colder either.


Of course, such global warming would result in the gradual retreat of the ice masses on the planet. If all of the earth's ice masses had melted into water, this would result in a significant rise in sea levels.


But it is not enough to leave these problems to the current clients behind our global tax collectors and the global climate agenda. On the contrary, this will prove fatal because these people have a hard time identifying the correct cause of something. Why? The state of mind of this small circle of people is such, that they cannot change their destructive course of their own accord. They are stuck in a problem of the past and now dramatize what happened then. Therefore, the problem they are trying to solve today usually does not exist at all in the present. They are confusing an ancient overwhelming event in the past, with what is happening here and now. However, this also makes it almost impossible for them to identify the correct cause of a current problem, one that actually exists in the here and now. They are stuck in this dilemma of problems. They could never resolve the past problem and it spits them in the soup every time they are confronted with a present problem.


So that's how they create problems where there aren't any, and when they're faced with an actual problem, they can't find the real cause of that problem. If you are not able to get to the bottom of the real cause of problems, then of course you will find it difficult to find solutions. They have no choice but to keep creating problems in an attempt to create such chaos that no one realizes that they (these Beings) are the cause of the chaos.


This is the real and true reason why we live in a time of one crisis after another and heading towards chaos. We are controlled by beings in such states of mind and constantly wonder about this irrationality. That's why - guys, you're not loony! - These people can no longer resolve and vanish anything in their own minds, they can only stumble from one lie to the next. Whoever takes them serious supports them is doomed.


Yes - they have retained the technologies of Tesla and subsequent inventions and withheld them from us for decades and we still have no use of Free Energy that would render this article and any discussion of this human pollution issue obsolete. Instead, developments of these technologies were secretly advanced in order to use them as weapons. 'Don't believe me, but do your own research,' as Roger Bittel from Bittel-TV would say. The biologist and winner of the alternative Nobel Prize Rosalie Bertell, who died in the summer of 2012, described the military as the 'cancer of the earth' in her book 'Planet Earth as a Weapon of War'. 'Planet Earth as a Weapon of War' is a book I know of, but there is more literature on the subject. (Radiation Weapons, Scalar Waves, Haarp, Chemtrails)




I am not sufficiently educated and trained to enlighten you about all these things. You have to do that yourself! But what I do know for sure is what state of mind these unfortunate creatures are in. They can be helped, but only after their hands have been removed from the controls of power. I can only assure you one thing, if one of you many normal people would only spend 24 hours in their mental state, then you would know exactly why we have 'such problems' here on earth.


People who turn a mild flu into a pandemic - talk about asymptomatic diseases - want to 'prove' with a test that cannot detect infection that transmission of a dangerous disease is taking place - with nonsensical measures pretending that they are concerned about our health and just fighting a pandemic, are certainly unable to pinpoint the correct cause of anything, let alone devise the appropriate solutions and countermeasures. They are only able to spread panic in order to obey people and extort more taxes. Reasonable people don't need all these measures called out by unreasonable zombies. Supporting these madmen with more money through taxes and levies will be our certain downfall!




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