• Life on a planet,

  • that offers a stable livelihood,

  • with an enchanting nature

  • and a lot of freedoms,

  • with broad horizons -

  • for determined -

  • and dreamers -

  • on which all are welcome!

Copyright 2024 - Rainer Ottenweller


Definitions of different viewpoints


for the concept of mankind,




man-kende (early 13 Century.) = "the human race", from man & kind. Replaced old English mancynn = "human race". Also used in Middle English for "male persons" (late 14 Century), but otherwise preserving the original gender neutrality of man. For menkind (late 14. Century) and menskind (1590s) = "menfolk, the male sex"


in most dictionaries:


'All people, the world population'


In a German dictionary “Der große Brockhaus” 1973 Volume 7:


The entirety of the people insofar as their unity, despite all the racial, cultural, national, social and religious diversity of skin color, culture, and society, is founded on the pure nature of man, his own humanity. ...

The mystical religions develop the unity of people as all beings from the immanence (Inherent end) of the Divine in all beings.”


From the perspective of a higher standing, materialistically oriented civilization:


A humanoid species that distinguishes itself due to various skin tones and different facial features in black, yellow and red races. They pursue a thermo-nuclear fire culture whose power production is still mainly based on heat and combustion. They are in an insignificant star system calling it the sun, on the third planet of this system, which they call earth, on the edge of a spiral galaxy to which they have given the name Milky Way. The present inhabitants are destroying their planet. The oxygen content in the local oceans has decreased by 14%. The hydrocarbon equilibrium in the upper atmosphere is extremely critical and continues to grow further. The sulfur content has increased excessively. The light reflected from the planet surface thermal radiation of the local star is increasingly restrained by the poisoned atmosphere. The magnetic poles migrate. The oxygen of the atmosphere is burned to such a degree that no heterotropic life will be possible in the near future on this planet. The planet has polar ice caps which will melt on account of the rising surface temperature and the wandering poles, so that a large part of the land masses will be covered by water. All in all a humanoid species that actively works to destroy itself.”


from all-determining, divine view:


(amused) Oh, my descendants on this dark, blue ball. When they have set out to experience their own adventures, they were all equipped with the ability of self-determination. On account of their divine nature they are constructive and self-determined. Thus they are able, regardless of my determination to determine their own destiny. Due to their self-determination they can indeed enslave themselves, but they can also free themselves out of this enslavement. Unfortunately, some of them have been pulled in the maelstrom of destructive intentions and have specialized to hold others in this state of enslavement. Will they succeed in maintaining this state? “


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